Please click on one of our BCMMODULES products for more information and ordering instructions:
Visit our full FAQ on GitHub.
We have created the BCM1 module to be as compatible as possible with the BeagleBone Black. One of the key benefits of the BCM1 module however is, that you can build your own PCB and thus implement features and workarounds not supported by the original BeagleBone Black. The only thing we can therefore refer to is the pinout of the BCM1 module which shows in detail the features and possibilities of implementing the BCM1 module and the feature-set supported.
The BCM1 module and Starter-Kit are being sold through our exclusive distribution partner Conrad Electronics. For larger quantities (i.e. 1000+) you can buy BCM1 and BCS1 at the iesy embedded webshop
Shipment of BCM1 and BCS1 modules to the United States of Ameria (USA) can be made solely through Rapid Electronics as part of the Conrad Group.
BCM1: The operating temperature range for the module with standard components is 0…60°C (commercial) but optionally you can get an extended temperature range -40…85°C (industrial).
BCS1: The starter-kit supports an operating temperature range of 0…60°C (commercial).
For genuine embedded industrial applications the existing BeagleBoard hardware is not suitable due to several reasons. Currently professional embedded computer-on-module applications use 100% defined and well engineered standards from PICMG (such as COM Express) or SGET (such as Qseven and SMARC). All of this makes the BCM module an industrial SOM – a system on module approach for the popular BeagleBone Black.
Yes. We strongly believe in the power of open source and we heavily rely on open source solutions when it comes to software. So we decided to pay back to the community.
BCM Modules are licenced under Creative Commons (CC-BY-SA).
We have therefore published a ZIP-file
containing all relevant information on footprint, schematics, BOM and many more for BCM1 & BCS1 modules.
Meinerzhagen, March 31, 2017 / BCMMODULE was awarded 2nd place in the election for »Product of the Year 2017« by leading German magazine "Elektronik". In the "Embedded Design" category, the readers of Elektronik magazine awarded second place to BCM1 module – an unexpected award only two years after the Kickstarter campaign. Martin Steger received the certificate as a representative of the entire team during an award ceremony. "The success of the BCMMODULES could certainly not be foreseen," Steger said after receiving the award, "and together with our partners TURCK duotec and Conrad Electronic, we are very happy about this result."
For the 19th time, leading german industry magazine Elektronik awarded the smartest and most innovative products in electronics. A total of 111 products were nominated "Product of the Year 2017" across 11 categories: Active Components, Passive Components, Electromechanics, Optoelectronics, Sensors, Power Supply, Automation, Development Software, Embedded Design, Measurement and Automotive.
Meinerzhagen, August 30, 2016 / One of our key goals with the BCMMODULES was to create a high quality modules from design to manufacturing. To achieve this we have been partnering with innovative companies, always striving for maximum quality along with reasonable pricing. One of our most important partners in creating the BCM1 and BCS1 modules is TURCK duotec, a highly skilled Electronics Engineering and Manufacturing (E²MS) provider. We worked hand in hand from the original product idea right through to serial production.
TURCK duotec GmbH, a member of TURCK Group, delivers high-end applications and solutions for automotive, industrial and building automation as well as for medical devices. Their continuous feedback and their inclination towards perfection have had a major impact on the development of the BCMMODULES. Together with TURCK duotec we are constantly moving forward. Our joint efforts in making the BCM one of the leading industrial open-source modules for IoT have resulted in a fruitful partnership and in the long-run ensure innovation and quality 'Made in Germany'.
BCMMODULE has been created, designed and manufactured in Germany.
Meinerzhagen, June 22, 2016 / We are happy to announce that we have shipped the first batch of the BCM1 and BCS1 modules to Conrad. Since there was a large number of pre-orders the first batch is already sold out. However within the next weeks we will replenish our stock and start delivering modules and starter-kits to all of you waiting.
Here is a picture of a whole reel full BCM1 modules, ready for delivery. You can place your order at the Conrad online-shop or get in touch with us if you require a bulk-quote.
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